Friday 20 May 2016

NYPD crushes seized illegal motorcycles, dirt bikes and ATVs

In the fight against illegal dirt bike riding in the city, The New York Police Department (NYPD) used a pair of bulldozers to crush dozens of seized dirt bikes and all-terrain vehicles live on Facebook.


The NYPD was stepping up its efforts to seize dirt bikes and ATVs, which are illegal to own and ride in the city. Over the course of the following weeks, NYPD commissioner Bill Bratton teased a "crush-in" where NYPD would crush the seized vehicles live to send a message to the city's illegal riders.

Finally, on May 17, Bratton lived up to his promise and the NYPD "crush-in" was streamed live on the New York city government's Facebook page.

Dozens of dirt bikes and ATVs were packed into a narrow space defined by a couple rows of NYPD portable barriers. A pair of big bulldozers then started up and proceeded to run back and forth across the row of vehicles like something out of a monster truck rally.

Bratton said about 80 percent of bikes seized were not returned to their owners, and that he would like to get that number up to 100 percent.

The NYPD seized more than 300 bikes and ATVs by April, more than double the number collected during the same period in 2015, the department said. The police also have plans to raid known storage facilities and set up check points to catch riders in the act.

source: dnainfo via autoblog

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