Saturday 16 January 2016

Mahindra GenZe electric scooter launched in California

The GenZe only goes up to 48 miles per hour, so riders won't need a motorcycle license. Its most innovative feature is a 28-pound removable battery, which riders can unhook and carry inside to charge. The battery takes 3.5 hours to fully charge, and the scooter goes for 30 miles on a charge. A 7-inch touchscreen display tells drivers their speed and range.

Mahindra GenZe electric scooter

GenZe2.0 has a removable lithium-ion battery that can be recharged at any standard electrical outlet, providing optimal freedom and ease of use.

Mahindra GenZe electric scooter (4)

Its smart, utilitarian design offers ample rear storage space so people can get where they want and take their belongings with them.

The GenZe 2.0 is the first connected all-electric scooter.  It is designed with seamless IoT communication that allows continuous monitoring of over 95 vehicle parameters, including:

  • Battery state of charge

  • Range estimation

  • Remote diagnostics

  • Alerts for theft, distress and geofence triggers

  • Customized navigation features.

These features are smartly delivered to users by an app through a GenZe hosted cloud and makes the vehicle the first truly connected electric scooter in the United States.

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Posted by: Chanchal M. Dhavan

Image Source: Mahindra Genze

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At 24 February 2016 at 05:10 , Anonymous selfbalancing scooter said...

Mahindra is my most favorite brand and their scooters and other staff is the best I think in the world. And these scooters are I think best for my sister, I’m going to gift this one on her birthday. any idea's where i should can buy these ?


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