Tuesday 26 January 2016

Pune RTO 'Street Sense' conducts safety awareness ride

On the occasion of this year’s 67th Republic Day, the Regional Transport Office (RTO), Pune and the Street Sense initiative, conducted a motorcycle ride through the city to create awareness on the need for wearing helmet and to ensure road safety.

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Street Sense road safety ride (3)

The ride saw more than 100 bikers from various clubs, promoting helmet use and road safety under the guidance of Pune Police Department and Pune RTO.

The safety awareness ride kicked off after the flag hoisting ceremony at RTO, Pune. The flag was hoisted by Mr. Jitendra Patil, Head of RTO, Pune in presence of the officials and the participating bikers.

Street Sense road safety ride (7)

Kalyanaraman Venkatesan, a volunteer of Street Sense said, “ We are sincerely thankful to Mr. Anil Valiv, Deputy RTO and the bikers who participated in the event”.

Street Sense road safety ride (11)

About Street Sense-
Street Sense is an organization which was started by bikers and with the support of RTO, Pune. The volunteers in the organization represent various clubs, but work for one cause under Street Sense. The group is active during every awareness event and is also involved in creating awareness around Road Safety and Helmet Safety. Bikers in the organization run their motorcycles as two wheeler ambulance during the Palkhi Procession and Ganpati Festival.

Kalyanaraman Venkatesan a volunteer of Street Sense has a plate mounted on his motorcycle which Says, “Always give way to Ambulance. Empathize. Someday it could be you.” He has been actively working in creating awareness around Road Safety and Helmet Safety amongst School and College students.

Sangram Devekar Patil a volunteer of Street Sense has been working in various causes in and around Road Safety and Helmet Safety.

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Posted by: Chanchal M. Dhavan

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